Friday, August 26, 2011


There was a lot of information in this chapter so it took some time to make sure I fully understood what was being said before moving on. I learned A LOT in this chapter. Some of the ideas and 'rules' mentioned I had heard about, or had my own idea of what it was, but much of it was new to me. Some of it I discovered I knew but had never known there was a specific name for it.

I liked how, after explaining a subject, it further explains it by giving an example from a movie. This really helped me understand more what the author was trying to say.

One good example is when he is explaining the difference between a story and the plot by using detective films. As the audience, we all know the story: a man is murdered and the detective must figure out the who, what, where, and why. However, the plot is much more in-depth. The plot is not just the basic summary of what is happening in the movie, it is the order events that lead up to the climax. I had always figured a plot and story to be the same thing. I had no idea that the plot was actually an order of events while the story describes said sequence of events.

This reading was very helpful to me in understanding the mechanics that go in to making a film. I will certainly use this as reference for the duration of the course and in the future.

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